
Professors Teach at Korean University

By Rachel Judy
August 23, 2011

This summer, Regent University's School of Law continued its partnership with Handong Global University's Handong International Law School. The South Korean school is an English-speaking Christian law school located in Pohang.

Regent has a close relationship with Handong that has included sending its faculty to teach courses in South Korea.

Regent Law associate professors Brad Jacob and Kathleen McKee both taught courses at Handong. Jacob taught Constitutional Criminal Procedure, and McKee taught Professional Responsibility.

This was McKee's fifth time teaching at Handong. "They really are our sister law school," she said. "I love the students and they're a joy to teach."

The Korean students take courses taught by American professors in English. Many of the students go on to take a bar exam in the United States and practice international law.

After his three-and-a-half week course, Jacob found that his students had grown both professionally and personally. "It was a lot of material to cover in a very short time, so I know they all found this course very challenging, but most of them really enjoyed it," he said. "Many of them talked about how the devotionals had impacted them. [They were also impacted by] seeing that there are lawyers in the United States who really seek to serve Christ in the legal profession, not just using it as a job, but seeing it as a way to live out kingdom values."

Both professors stressed the importance of the relationship between the two schools, which includes sharing chapel services once a semester. Students gather at each school and share music and a speaker through video feed.

"The relationship between the two schools has been a real blessing," said Jacob. "I think all of us here at Regent and at Handong would like to see that relationship continue and strengthen because there is such a unity of spirit and such a like mind."

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Mindy Hughes, Public Relations
Phone: 757.352.4095 Fax: 757.352.4888
E-mail: mhughes@regent.edu

1 comment:

  1. For the sake of clarity:

    In the above "This shows in the trend that most universities resign instructors/professors primarily on their evaluation scores all the while no other form of evaluation is performed on teaching quality."

    resign => rhi sign :-)
