
Providing Uniformity in Sentencing Guidelines

Post by: Sarah Stefaniak

My name is Sarah Stefaniak and I am 2L at Regent University School of Law. As a law clerk for the Center for Global Justice, I have been humbled by the work I have been asked to do and continually feel God call me to one day use my degree to benefit those who cannot help themselves.

This semester I am working on a project for the Director of Public Prosecutions in Uganda. I have been tasked with researching cases on violent crimes to help formulate sentencing guidelines that will provide more uniformity and stability in Ugandan criminal courts.

I was surprised to find a wide variety of sentences in the cases that I researched; some appellants received only a few years for the same factors of a crime that another appellant may have received a lifetime sentence for. I firmly believe that those who have committed violent crimes are still human beings deserving of dignity and thus find it fulfilling that I am able to provide insight into more uniform sentencing guidelines so those convicted of similar offenses are given similar sentences, as justice requires.

I am honored to participate in the process of creating more uniformity in sentencing structure for those convicted of violent crimes in Uganda. I will continue to find fulfillment in this work that God has called me to and I am grateful to understand the fruits that this research will create for Uganda.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice student staff member.  The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.

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