
Center for Global Justice Spring Events 2019

During the 2019 Spring Semester the Center for Global Justice held three luncheon events with four speakers who talked about various justice and rule of law issues. The purpose of these events is to bring discussion of justice and rule of law issues to campus and to learn from prominent figures in the field.

The first event was held in January and was about human rights, the International Criminal Court, and whether or not the United States should join the Court. The speaker, Chris Whelan argued that the United States should become a member of the Rome Statute to help add legitimacy to the organization that is seeking justice internationally. Chris Whelan said that “to have global justice, there must be a global consensus.” 

(Chris Whelan)

The second event was also held in January and was about Israel. Two speakers, Aaron Fruh and Robert Westin Ash spoke on issues surrounding Israel. Aaron Fruh talked about the seven factors in a ‘perfect storm.’ He explained how these seven steps lead to horrible atrocities like the holocaust and pointed out very troubling current events that seem to fit the pattern. He also talked about the importance of protecting and supporting Israel.  

(Aaron Fruh)

Rober Westin Ash spoke second and he talked about the recent fighting and rule of conflict issues in Israel. He discussed a few conflicts in detail and showed how humanitarian laws are distorted in conflicts in the Middle East. He also expressed the importance of protecting and supporting Israel. 

(Robert Westin Ash)

The third and final event was in February and it was about seeking justice. David Mandel-Anthony talked about his work promoting transitional justice. He explained that “transitional justice aims to transform victims into rights holders and bearers who trust institutions and the state that are supposed to secure those rights.” 

(David Mandel-Anthony)

All three events engaged the students and helped to promote discussion of justice issues on campus. The events this past semester were a success.

This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Intern. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice.

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